Jon and family prepare to take on the Rebels! Jon’s birthday, 1981

Jon tells us, this was his 7th birthday in 1981. “That’s my Grandpa Ralph in the back, and my sister Brandy next to me. We were in Missoula, Montana. My Dad said it was the only AT-AT in town they …

Alison the Jedi Master! Halloween 1981

Alison, go over there and pose in front of the fireplace!

A classic choice of costume, Alison! When we were kids, who didn’t want to be Yoda?!?…

Bruce and Chewbacca meet! 1980

Bruce admires his new Chewbacca’s posability, and obviously looks forward to countless hours of adventure with his new Wookiee sidekick! …

Bruce and Earline run the Death Star! Christmas 1978

As you can see in the living room there’s a television, a Christmas Tree, and some amazing shag carpet. But at this very moment, both Bruce and Earline are on the Death Star, most likely imagining how to best govern …

Tim looks forward to some impending Star Wars Play Doh fun!

Tim and his brother are immersed in childhood goodness! Kermit, race cars, and…STAR WARS PLAY DOH! …

Patrick commands his TIE! 1978

Patrick the TIE pilot is yet again on another amazing, adventurous mission to search for those pesky Rebels! …

Brian and his new Star Wars haul! 1979

Brian obviously looks thrilled to receive this amazing Star Wars bounty of action figure goodness. Back in the 1800’s this kind of haul was called a MOTHERLODE! …

Scott revels in the majesty of Darth Vader! 1980

Scott gleefully shows off an amazing present, the Darth Vader Collector’s Case! A staple of early figure collecting that was surely a welcome Kenner Star Wars item of legendary greatness! …

Rob and his buddy Darth Vader! 1978

Rob and Vader certainly rule the backyard. Now the backyard, soon the GALAXY! …