Enriche and Raul revel in the moment!

A new base is built! Let’s just hope the construction is sound. …

Construction is complete!

It might not be the Death Star, but Enriche and Raul seem pretty proud of their new base. …

Chris’s glorious toys!

The year is 1983 and there’s too much to spark the imagination at Chris’s house! A ton of early 80’s in one photo! Heaven!…

Chris shows off his sweet new Vader TIE! 1979!

Here is Chris and his brand spankin’ new Darth Vader TIE fighter! …

Chris with his new TIE Fighter! Christmas 1978!

It’s the gift that keeps on giving Chris! Merry Christmas! …

Buck and his Death Star 1979

Buck seems pretty content now that he owns the ultimate power in the universe!…