Darth Chuck invades the backyard! Halloween 1978

Chuck made the right choice, Halloween 1978. He chose to be Darth Vader! He could have chosen Scooby Doo, or Spider Man, or…whatever? He chose wisely! When life gives you choices, you always choose Vader!…

Chuck, Mike, and family share a moment. Star Wars is there! 1980

Okay, right now I see that Grandma is aggravated! I’ve seen that look! I’m pretty sure it’s because Chuck is carrying on like a lunatic! Easy does it Chuck, you’re within slapping distance!

Meanwhile Mike chills with his Stromtrooper shirt …

Chuck and a Christmas bounty! 1979

So much fun waits under the tree…! A few things I see are 12″ stormtrooper! Buck Roger’s Star Fighter! And a bunch more cool stuff!…

Chuck’s Star Wars Christmas was one to remember – 1981

How many Star Wars toys can you find in this photo? Among other cool stuff. What’s on the tube? I hope it’s In Search Of…!!!…

Chuck and Lando chill…1980

The girls love Lando, we all know that! Did Chuck know that at the time? What we do know is that Lando is smooth…and so if Chuck for wearing the Admin of Bespin on his chest!…

Chuck explains that Star Wars is Christmas fun! 1981

Look at that haul! Chuck poses with Slave One, and a Bear! Not to mention the lovely treasures at his feet! A fun Christmas, indeed!…