Ryuma and the Tydirium!

Ryuma looks pretty serious about building this model of the Imperial Shuttle. Once built, will it be used for good or evil? Only Ryuma knows for sure……

Lando procures an Imperial Shuttle! 1985

The Imperial Shuttle, the best of all Star Wars toys! The excitement must be completely overwhelming, eh Lando? …

Kenneth draws the Imperial Star Destroyer and Shuttle -1983

Kenneth captures the moment a shuttle launches from a Star Destroyer. Let’s hope he got his English assignment done…?…

An Imperial Shuttle flies among the TIE Fighters -Kenneth 1983

Kenneth draws the Imperial Shuttle in all it’s menacing awesomeness!…

Kenneth draws Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer -1983

Kenneth captures the excitement of an Imperial Shuttle approaching both the Star Destroyer Executor, and the 2nd Death Star! I hope the math homework is done?…

Justin pilots his Imperial Shuttle on Christmas 1984

Justin seems to have taken out a poor Rancor with his new Christmas Imperial Shuttle and from the looks of it, he doesn’t care! Now, where are those Rebel figures I heard were hiding around here!…

Joe and his Christmas Haul -1983

Joe and his Christmas Haul -1983…

Jason’s recreation of Vader’s Arrival on the Death Star 1984

Jason’s recreation of Vader’s Arrival on the Death Star 1984…

Jason’s Vader’s Arrival Diorama 1984

Jason’s Vader’s Arrival Diorama 1984…