Jeffrey and some arts and crafts Sand People-ing! 1989

Crafty little Jeffrey here just made us a Sand People! Nice job buddy!…

Jeffrey tears into another Star Wars Christmas toy! 1980

Jeffrey breaks open that new Snow Speeder he wanted for Christmas! His sister probably wouldn’t mind a Snow Speeder either….…

Christmas joy belongs to Jeff and his patient Star Wars figures! 1980

Christmas joy belongs to Jeff and his patient Star Wars figures!Sure toy cars are great, Jeffrey. But don’t forget your Star Wars figures.

Wait, is that the General Lee? Sweet!…

Christmas joy is a new Star Wars Land Speeder! Jeffrey 1978

Jeffrey tears into his new Christmas Land Speeder!

Christmas joy is hard to beat! Star Wars Christmas joy is tops though!…

Jeffrey and the hijacked Land Speeder! Star Wars Christmas 1978

Jeffrey smiles for the camera….but all is not well friends! Look closely at that new Land Speeder? Vader and Stormtrooper are at the wheel! I’m not sure what’s going on but this can’t be good.

I hope Luke and Ben …

Jeffrey and his new Christmas Snow Speeder! 1980

Jeffrey seems pretty happy about his new Snow Speeder! His sister seems pretty impressed too!

Merry Christmas, kids!…

Jeffrey’s Taun-Taun is loose! Christmas 1981

Looks like Han and his Taun-Taun are making a break for it! Once he get’s to the front door, he’ll be free and clear!


Look closely at the photo and you’ll see some great Star Wars presents; Taun-Taun (of …

Jeffrey shows off his new Turret and Probot playset. Christmas 1981

Welcome back to Christmas 1981! Winter was colder, Christmas was merrier, and Star Wars was Star Warsier! Jeffrey poses with his new ESB playset in this great photo.…

Jeffrey is Weequay! 1992

Sometimes the imagination is all you need to relive those awesome scenes from Star Wars. Here Jeffrey recreates the classic skiff scene from ROTJ as the formidable Weequay. I do remember Weequay wearing more clothes though Jefffrey, c’mon!…