Joshua and his Christmas Falcon! 1979

What a magical time Christmas is! Joshua here has gotten what most kids across the nation were begging for that year. The Millennium Falcon was the best gift you could have gotten.…

Joshua the Jawa is ready for Star Wars Halloween action! 1979

Joshua is ready for some old fashioned tricks and treats, with a cool Star Wars twist! I…uh…I think that’s Joshua under there?…

Joshua shows off his new X-Wing! 1979

Here’s Joshua and his new X-Wing! So nice and shiny new! I see that Han Solo has taken over the controls? Why not?!? 🙂…

Cheshire Cat grins and Star Wars treasures! David 1979

Look at these guys! Wouldn’t you be smiling if your were sitting in the middle of that Star Wars action? Four decades later and I’m still jealous!…

Greg and his Star Wars birthday! 1979

Greg knows how to celebrate a birthday, boy howdy! Ask him and he’ll tell you, with Star Wars of course! Cake is served, and so are the Star Wars toys! YESSSSS!…

Bob gets that Millennium Falcon he wanted for Christmas! 1979

The mother of all Christmas presents! Bob tears open the wrapping to find the Millennium Falcon! Merry Christmas, indeed!…

Rock and Dean are wanted by the Galactic Empire! 1979

Rock and Dean are wanted by the Galactic Empire! I’m not sure how they are going to get out of this one!…

Rock and Dean are wanted by the Empire! 1979

I have no idea what Rock and Dean did to deserve this, but what’s done is done! 5,000 zoltars is a small fortune….maybe…I don’t know how much that is exactly. But hey listen fellas, you do the crime you do …

Imagine the Star Wars surprise! Robert 1979

What happens when you walk into a room and see a Death Star Playset? See above, it’s like that! Right Rob?…